My Stargazing Journey

Growing up in South Florida I learned to love space. Seemingly everyone was excited about living close to the Kennedy Space Center. We all watched all the Apollo flights and all Space Shuttle flights. Seeing them taking off was an amazing sight. Just the thought of being able to go into space was intriguing. I always enjoyed going to the Planetarium and learning about the stars. One of the best people to learn from was Jack Horkheimer. He made space fun.

Now I live in rural Pennsylvania, this is a site of my new star gazing journey. This blog is what I have learned about equipment, what I have seen and how to find great objects in our skies.

I have two telescopes. One and probably my favorite is a Celestron Starsense 8″ Dobsonian. I know it was not designed for astrophotography but I still get great pictures. Needless to say, it is tough!. I also have a 8″ Celestron Nextar Evolution which is good for astrophotography.

And so my astrophotography journey begins…