A Stargazers Journey into Astrophotography

  • Venus – May 25 – 2023

    Playing around with my son’s Cannon M50 Mark ii. Tonight was interesting. I started out trying (keyword trying) to get my Evolution 8″ aligned using Sky Safari on my phone. I gave up after the third failure. I got it aligned on the first try with Celetron’s Sky Portal on my phone. It was early…

  • New Camera

    I played around with a Svbony 205 using Sharpcap. I was not impressed for a few reasons. Obvious tracking was an issue. The camera is like putting a 5mm lense on, so the stars, planets and moon moved very quickly making it almost impossible to get great pictures. I bought a used Cannon on Ebay…

  • My First look at Venus

    It was a beautiful night. I got out early and set up my Celestron 8″ Dobsonian and my brand new SVBony SV205 camera. I got some great video and shots of the moon. I saw Venus and Jupiter were out and pointed towards them. Looking at Jupiter, I could clearly see it with 5 moons.…

  • Partial Moon

    It was a beautiful evening. I got out before it got dark equipped with my brand new SVBony Sv205, my laptop and a bunch of eye pieces. First the moon really looks cool when it is still light out. It took me a while to figure out how to work the SVBony camera. For the…

  • Clear Night

    It was a clear night. I finally had time to get out around 11:30. All the planets had set except Mars was still viewable. It was pretty far away but was able to see it. I got a good look at Sirius, Procyon Betelgeuse, Capella and Double Cluster . I tried to view Bode Nebulae,…

  • My first look of Mars

    The sky finally cleared up a little. I ran out about 11:30 pm. I was able to view Sirius and Mars. Using the StarSense software I viewed Mars and saw with one moon. Looked at them with 7mm, 25mm, & 32mm. Used  2x with 32. As color blind as I am I could clearly see…

  • My first View

    We have had nothing but cold cloudy days since I purchased my telescope. I noticed the sky had cleared up a little. I took these pictures holding my Iphone over the 25mm eyepiece that came with my Celestrong StartSense Exploerer 8″. My first night viewing and first dive into Astophotography was a success!

  • Starting Over

    2 years ago my wife passed away from a long battle with lung issues. She survived 2 separate lung transplants. Together we created and I still run a charity that helps people pay for transplant related expenses named Transplant Alliance Foundation. The past Christmas, I moved out of our house of 20 years to a…

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