Bodes Galaxies – First time

Since I first purchased by 8″ Celestron StarSense Exporer I have been trying to see and photograph Bodes Nebula. I actually gave up getting a photo until I purchased my 8″ Celestron Evolution. Even with this telescope I felt like I was fighting a losing battle. Finally, after reading a lot of blogs, watching a lot of videos and a practicing, I GOT IT. Ok, these might not be the greatest pictures of the galaxes, but they are all mine!
I used a Cannon Rebel Xs old school dslr. I figured out how to us Backyard EOS – (GREAT TOOL) and DeepSky Stacker. I took 5 images each at various shudder speeds and various ISO settings. As it turned out DeepSky stacker liked the ISO 1600 and 2 min exposures the best. Most of the images taken with 400 or less ISO settings came out as black images. Could barely see any stars let alone 2 nebulas.

After stacking, this Bodes-raw.jpg image is what you get. This was resized from the original to fit the web.

The rest of them are me playing around with features in the free application. I would say I am sure I will be getting PhotoShop soon.

this is a single raw image, converted to jpg – exposure 30 seconds at ISO 1600 – I looked better as a .CR2 and full 4k size.




